Thursday, February 4, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Cleanse Your Body Of A Food Allergy Food Allergy..... How Long Does It Take For The Body To Cleanse?

Food allergy..... how long does it take for the body to cleanse? - how long does it take to cleanse your body of a food allergy

How long does it take to stop the body indicates an allergic reaction to certain foods? I have some "self-allergy test, which states that up to 30 days actual) cleanse the body (the results of the exact test. It is not just a little excessive?" I thought Tops 2 days, because if the food goes into your system, an allergic reaction should stop. Suggestions?

1 comment:

Jo B said...

It depends on what you are trying to clean your system. Like cocaine, if you are 3 days to cleanse your body, but if you smoke pot lasts for 30 days because the THC in marijuana transactions in the fatty tissues of cocaine is fast because it is a stimulant. What does that mean?

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