Sunday, February 14, 2010

Using Nystatin On Tattoos I Have A Tattoo That I Think Is Getting Infected, What Should I Use And Can I Use This?

I have a tattoo that I think is getting infected, what should I use and can i use this? - using nystatin on tattoos

I use cream nystatin and triamcinolone acetonide, a tattoo I think it is infected? It is anti-fungal --


... said...

Dial antibacterial soap and A & E Ointment
Do not use Neosporin like this guy said!

lhmkc said...

Never use water. Back to manual maintenance. What makes you think that you are infected? They should check with the artist or a doctor? Healing a tattoo is different then a cut crusts are not only healing of the infection process of healing. If you happen to have pus or sticky red lines that are not part of the design performance of the ink into the store and ask. If you have a cat or red lines that go to the emergency room or your doctor. Otherwise, continue to monitor. Tattoos may take several weeks to heal completely.

Flip said...

No, I have 9 tattoos and is the best to use petroleum jelly, and dried in the air, if you do not Vaseline. So, turn, petroleum jelly, dry air, you can not go wrong, oh yes, and what ever you do, do not take the shed, let it heal itself.

whats d use said...

► treat them like an open wound to disinfect them with
antibacterial soap like Dial to put hydrogen peroxide, a lot Neosporing or antibacterial cream, then cover with a sterile gauze and tape it. ♀

Anonymous said...

I do not want the Neosporin antibiotic ointment things that we speak here, is athlete's foot / right host?

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